Monday, April 30, 2012

DIY Neon Necklace

As I was going through my old accessories box this weekend I came across a lot of old stuff, call me a pack rat   but I rarely throw anything away since we all know that fashion always comes back in one way or another. I found this old and boring white necklace and decided to revamp it a little..... this is what I used

Old white bead necklace
Neon yellow spray, and a trash bag  (to avoid staining my balcony floor)
This is the end result (It looks better and brighter in person, today was a gloomy day and my camera sucks!), I'm planning on pairing it up with a maxi dress  and a bunch of my other  ethnic  junk  this summer :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chain Headband

I've been googling diy ideas like crazy lately, there's something about doing something with your own hands that's both relaxing and fulfilling....anyhow I stumbled upon an idea by a very creative blogger  and I decided to create my own.  This is what I used

This is what I used
First I painted the headband with gold paint spray and left it to dry

Then I added the chains, starting with the longest at the middle,  I used old necklace chains (Gold, black and silver) 

Side view (excuse my crappy camera phone)
Measure the length of your hair and go from there depending on how long you want the chains to be :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lightning Bolt Earrings

I'm a big fan of Melody Ehsani's creations; unfortunately I don't always have extra cash laying around, so after I fell in love with these beauties 
 I decided to research a much cheaper way of achieving the same results without spending over 50 bucks on a pair, fortunately I found a youtube video which helped alot.....  

This is the end result, they aren't perfect but hey they are my first ;).